A dialogue from the movie NOPE goes like this: What if I told you that today you’ll leave here different. I’m talking to you. Right here, you are going to witness an absolute spectacle. So what happens next? You ready? ARE YOU READY? So, ARE YOU READY? People love declaring the “death” of popular concepts....
Measurement is a profoundly powerful tool. You can’t run an organization without measuring things. But measurement is a tool and it doesn’t capture all truth. You can’t actually measure good. I don’t think any of us when we die and visit with the angels, are going to be asked, how come you switched 5 jobs...
Happy New Year! 🎉 As we step into this fresh chapter, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how we can create meaningful and lasting change. While many of us focus on revising rules or implementing new policies, the real power lies in transforming the way people think and feel. There are plenty of reasons...
Leadership is all about influencing people! Leadership development has always focused on preparing leaders for future challenges. However, the exact nature of those challenges is becoming more uncertain. This is why the ability of leaders at all levels to recognize, evaluate, and respond to changing situations is becoming increasingly important for building competitive organizations. Investment...
The model explains our behavior in three ways: using our brain to think and plan (head), using our emotions and feelings (heart), and taking actions (feet). When we balance these three parts, we make better choices, connect with people, and achieve our goals more easily
Recognizing people as a vital competitive advantage is a big change from traditional business strategies. Growing evidence shows the importance of leveraging people as a competitive advantage, yet many modern organizations continue to rely on traditional strategic approaches. Usually, these conventional strategies focus on financial metrics, market positioning, and operational efficiencies, often overlooking the human...
Are yor feeling Psychological Safe at your workplace? Psychological safety in the workplace refers to feeling comfortable and secure in expressing oneself without fear of negative consequences. It involves trust, openness, and mutual respect among team members. In an environment where psychological safety is present, individuals feel confident sharing their ideas, asking questions, and admitting...
DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) are not adversaries; instead, they are closely aligned allies working in tandem to dismantle organizational barriers and enhance the delivery of high-quality software at an accelerated pace. Together, they form a collaborative approach aimed at fostering efficiency, collaboration, and continuous improvement in the software development and operations landscape.
We work together in an effort to align our perspectives and achieve a shared understanding of our objectives. The more comprehensively a developer grasps the business requirements, the more effectively they can construct the software.
Leadership is often characterized as an art, a skill, or an inherent quality that only a select few possess. While there may be some validity in these descriptions, it’s equally important to acknowledge leadership as an ongoing practice. Leadership isn’t a fixed attribute or a trait reserved for a chosen elite; it’s a dynamic process...