The word “NetFlix” brought you to read this post? May be … I don’t love NETFLIX JUST because it streams some of the best content, BUT ALSO because NETFLIX is more beyond the content – an organization which understands & imbibes the true meaning of the word “organizational culture”. I am always curious about this...
A mother is a strong leader. When life throws challenges, kids look to mother to see how she fields them. As a mom, her calm, positive example influences children's resilience and ability to adapt. Mother exudes strength and wisdom.
We’ll have to admit that when something goes wrong, the first thing we want to know is whose fault it is so we can find someone to blame. By shifting our mindset towards problem-solving, we can encourage collaboration, cooperation, and effective decision-making, leading to more effective and efficient outcomes. Where there is blame, there is...
A Comparison of the Main Forms of the Agile Approach to Innovation There are at least a dozen agile innovation methodologies, which share values and principles but differ in their emphases. Experts often combine various approaches. Here are three of the most popular forms and the contexts in which each works best. SCRUMKANBANLEAN DEVELOPMENTGuiding PrinciplesEmpower...
We all know that scrum teams are made up of individuals with cross functional skills that commit to completing the sprint backlog as a team. Instead of a traditional Project Manager assigning tasks, the team decides how they are going to get the work done and individuals choose or sign up for the work they want...
The weather today will most likely be the same as the weather tomorrow Yesterday’s weather is an Extreme Programming (XP) term to keep teams from over committing during sprints and iterations. Yesterday’s Weather is a Scrum pattern that helps Teams quickly calculate how many Points they will likely complete in the upcoming Sprint. The name comes from the fact that...
Our language betrays us when we talk about “The Business.” With these words we separate development decisions from the work they are automating. See below figure. From “the” business to “our” business Even agile software development methodologies make this mistake. They may recommend a “customer” or a “product owner” who is supposed to decide what...
The definition of process efficiency is essentially “the amount of effort or input required to produce your business’s product.” For instance, if it takes 300 workers to make a single pack of gum, your process efficiency is abysmal. And you should get out of the gum manufacturing business. But if you have 300 workers and...
In the Lean world, we hear all kinds of Japanese words. Having learnt basic Japanese while working in Japan, I do not find it difficult to relate with these words but many of us do. One such word which isn’t mainstream but is critically important is Yokoten. Yokoten means “horizontal deployment” and refers to the practice...