Agile DevOps Coach
I am


I love building human friendly agile organizations.

Some of the things I do in helping organizations in their agile transformation journey

Enterprise Agile Coach

Assist organizations in adopting and scaling Agile methodologies across their entire enterprise.

Enterprise Agile Coach

I have helped Global organizations in their Enterprise Agile Transformation journeys.

Agile Coaching

Support individuals, teams, and organizations in adopting and implementing Agile methodologies and principles.

Agile Coaching

Building high performing and self-organizing teams by coaching agile practices.

Agile Training

Educating individuals and teams about Agile methodologies, principles, and practices.

Agile Training

Training and workshops for team members, scrum masters, product owners, executives, and managers.

DevOps Coach

Help organizations implement and optimize DevOps practices, principles, and culture.

DevOps Coach

Working with teams to create a culture that embraces change, collaboration, and learning.

Leadership Coaching

Help organizations in building programs and initiatives designed to develop the knowledge, skills, and qualities necessary for effective leadership.

Leadership Coaching

Enhance the capabilities of individuals in leadership roles, whether they are managers, supervisors, executives, or team leaders.

Visual Thinking

Teaching individuals and teams how to use visual thinking techniques to enhance their communication, problem-solving, and creativity.

Visual Thinking

Teaching individuals and teams how to use visual thinking techniques to enhance their communication, problem-solving, and creativity.

What is Agile Transformation?

Agile transformation is the process of transitioning an entire organization to a nimble, reactive approach based on agile principles.

Understanding agile transformation begins with understanding what it is not: adopting agile software development methodologies.

While any organization undergoing this transformation is likely to also embrace agile, Scrum, Lean, etc., agile transformation is a much larger endeavor than just changing how software gets built.

Instead, this is a complete transformation of the entire organization and extends far beyond product development. The goal is to breathe new life into the organization by creating an environment that embraces creativity and innovation, empowering employees, and reducing unnecessary layers of management.

The end result may include cross-functional or self-organized teams, a renewed focus on customer satisfaction, a reduction in processes and plans in favor of action, and increased levels of internal communication and information sharing.

What Is An Agile Coach?

An agile coach helps organizations, teams, and individuals adopt agile practices and methods while embedding agile values and mindsets. The goal of an agile coach is to foster more effective, transparent, and cohesive teams, and to enable better outcomes, solutions, and products/services for customers.
~2021 State of Agile Coaching Report.

An Agile coach is a project management professional that helps scale Agile practices across a team or organization. By aligning teams or organizations with Agile values and concepts, Agile coaches enable them to be more flexible, transparent, and efficient.

What does a DevOps coach do?

The DevOps Coach inspires teams and individuals with thought-provoking and creative processes. 

The core focus of the DevOps Coach is to enable and sustain the DevOps transformation. The DevOps Coach drives performance and is a catalyst for change, for individuals, teams and the organization.

What is an Agile DevOps Coach?

An Agile DevOps Coach is a professional who specializes in guiding organizations through the adoption and implementation of Agile and DevOps practices. This role combines expertise in both Agile and DevOps methodologies to help teams and organizations improve their software development and delivery processes.

An Agile DevOps Coach plays a crucial role in helping organizations become more agile and improve their software development and delivery processes by fostering collaboration, automation, and a culture of continuous improvement. They work closely with teams and leaders to achieve these objectives and drive positive change within the organization.

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